
grateful . film

If you are new to this blog, please check out my past posts on my journey with film. I know this is a wedding blog, but I started posting all of my film images here. You can see all the film post by going here.

Film is just a creative outlet for me. My goal is not to shoot paying clients in film (unless they ask) or if I take some images during a digital session. I am still learning SO much, and finding a style I like.

Below are some recent families that have been so kind to let me practice on them. I am so grateful for the trust friends and clients have in me.

WARNING: Lots of images since I condensed this scan order from Indie Lab into one big blog post**

The C Sisters

gah…one of my all time fav images

the image on the left was kodak and the right was fuji. I am still figuring out if I prefer the warmth of kodak or the pastel of fuji. it was neat to see them side by side.Ms. D

Ms. E

C Family

W Family

Ms. O