Family,  Nicole


Between a busy schedule of mini sessions and family sessions in October decided to take a short family trip to Seattle.  The main purpose of our trip was to visit my Great Grandma who is 98 years old and is more “with it” than most people I know!  Up until two months ago she was still living on her own in downtown Seattle.  We wanted Gavin to be able to meet his Great, Great Grandma, his Great Grandma, his Great, Great Aunt and Uncle, Great Aunt and lots of cousins – basically a lot of “great” people ;).  Last year we took Caleigh out there as well.  My Dad was born in Seattle so we still have a lot of family there and make sure to make a trip out there every couple of years.  I love going out there because there is so much to do and take in and the scenery is just breathtaking!  I thought it would be fun to do a little blog for those of you that have never been there and maybe entice you to take a trip out there.

I would highly suggest a trip to Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium -  It’s not overwhelming, there’s a lot of fun animals and it’s right on the water and next to the beach.  They also have some fun interaction with animals there too.


The monkey above cracked me up with his laid back pose and attitude.  The meerkats became Caleigh’s new best friends.  She stood by the window and one by one they came up and kept pushing each other  out of the way to line up on the window by her.  They literally kept multiplying!


Another fun thing to do is to take a ferry boat ride.  We didn’t get to take Caleigh last year, so we made sure to hop on one this time.


We also took a two our drive to the beautiful German town of Leavenworth –  It’s a picturesque little town nestled right in the mountains.  There’s lots of fun shops, a river walk, good restaurants and of course lots of German beer!  The next time we go we will definitely try staying in one of the cute B&B’s they have there.


You can’t go to Seattle and not visit Pike Place Market, home of the flying fish!  And I do suggest going the last day of your trip so you can purchase your seafood for them to pack up for you to bring home.  We also had to stop by the famous “gum wall” there.


Can you believe these bunches of flowers are only $5 each at Pike Place?!?!?  Makes me want to get married again out there just for the flowers.


They also have every kind of fresh fruit and vegetable you can imagine.


And here’s the reason for our visit, meeting Grandma Nornholm.  This picture literally brings tears to my eyes to see this big smile on Gavin’s face looking up at her.  They both fell in love with each other.


Our last day we made it down to Alki Beach to eat at the famous Spuds – no trip is complete without a stop there!  Lucky for me our stop there coincided with that magic “golden hour” and I got some great shots on the beach.
