Orland Park Newborn Session | Mr J | GCP by Nicole
Oh my goodness they don’t get much sweeter than Mr J!
I was so excited for his session and couldn’t wait to meet him – all 10 glorious pounds of him 🥰. He was just beyond perfect for his session, not making a peep.
Being an expert at fire baby sessions came in handy fitting J in Daddy’s helmet – I was able to get him to melt right in there like it was made for him. They’re always so safe in Daddy’s arms and it’s always one of my favorite pictures to do ❤️
I made sure to promise him that wouldn’t be the hardest picture to get and the rest would be smooth sailing, which it was. He just continued to melt into every pose throughout the rest of his session. I could’ve spent all day with him.
So happy for you K Family!!
Nicole ~ Orland Park Newborn Session/GCP by Nicole

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