Manhattan Sunflower Session | K Family | GCP by Nicole
I love sunflower season and what I think I love most about it is every day the field gives you something new to see. This year we planted a little differently for less weeds and the kids are able to…
Now booking Fall Mini Sessions | GCP by Nicole
Fall mini session dates are now open! Please use the following links to snag your spot. The locations this year will be: September 30 – Hickory Creek – 4:30 – 6:30. October 6 – Birdhaven/Pilcher Park – 4:30 –…
Florida Beach Vacation | GCP by Nicole
Every year I look forward to our Florida beach vacation. Nothing to do but sit and enjoy the quiet and the ocean. With not much service where we go we are also forced to disconnect and I’m not mad about…
Manhattan Milestone Session | Miss G | GCP by Nicole
Miss G is getting so big and I loved capturing her 6 month milestone session! I loved this session just as much as her newborn session. We started out with family pictures and she was so full of happy smiles…
New Lenox Second Birthday Session | Miss M | GCP by Nicole
Miss M is two!! We celebrated by exploring Bird Haven. These littles just love exploring in there and looking at all the fish. She started out very serious at her session, but we still managed to get some scrunched up…