Frankfort Photographer|C Family|Gina Cristine Photography
I love that being a Frankfort Photographer brings me into clients beautiful homes. The C family’s was perfect between the lighting and fireplace. I was there with the specific goal of getting Mr. W’s first year pictures and well as…
Tinley Park In Home Photographer | R Family | Gina Cristine Photography
It was time for B and E’s milestone pictures which is always a pleasure as a Tinley Park In Home Photographer. I met Miss E at her two year session last year which you can see here. Miss E was…
Downtown Frankfort Photographer|E Family|GCP
As a Downtown Frankfort Photographer I have access to beautiful natural backdrops, the Fall season makes it even more beautiful. The E family came to visit me for a family session as well as to capture Mr. B’s three month…
Mokena Family Photographer|N Family|GCP
Being a Mokena Family Photographer allows me to choose from many great locations to shoot at, but I can honestly say I’ve never been to this location because it’s the N family’s backyard! They back up to a private forest…
Downtown Frankfort Photographer|D Family|Gina Cristine
Being a Downtown Frankfort Photographer allows meet to meet wonderful families. I fell in capital L.O.V.E. with the D family. To quote my good friend Mary they were “practically perfect in every way”. I felt like I learned so much…