• Nicole,  Styled

    Bunny Mini Sessions | GCP by Nicole

    It’s that time of year….BUNNY MINIS! They are always everyones favorite session and it usually fills up quickly. So here’s the details: March 24th 9:30 – 12:30 pm 15 minute sessions 10 – 15 fully edited images $225 *yes, you…

  • Family,  Nicole

    The Ranch Fall Minis | GCP by Nicole Photography

    I’m so honored to be one of the select photographers that is able to shoot at The Ranch.  The property is gorgeous year round, but when the leaves start changing it is chef’s kiss! I could not wait until the…

  • Family,  Nicole,  Styled

    Truck Mini Sessions | GCP by Nicole

    Truck minis couldn’t have gone any better this year at Northfork Farm!  Mother Nature even held it together and didn’t rain on our parade. I always look forward to these sessions every year.  The kids are always so excited and…