Downtown Frankfort Twin Photographer|B Family|Gina Cristine Photography
Being a Downtown Frankfort Twin Photographer allowed me to meet up with the B Family for their 9 month milestone. A and Z are definitely much more mobile than at their 6 month session and walking along holding Mommy and Daddy’s…
Chicago Milestone Photographer|B Family|Gina Cristine Photography
I met with the B Family for A & Z’s 6 month milestone pictures. They were absolutely adorable and I couldn’t get enough of them. They hadn’t had any pictures taken since their newborn pictures in the hospital and really…
Frankfort Photographer|P Twins|GCP
Being a Frankfort photographer allowed me the pleasure of spending the morning with these absolutely adorable twin girls. I couldn’t get over all their smiles and squishiness and they were so cute in all of the rompers and headbands (made…